I. Why Authenticate Vendor's Identity?
II. Advantages of Vendor's Identity Authentication
III. Vendor's Identity Authentication Steps
Some vendors may use software of a third party for interface interconnection with VIP and thus realizing subsequent commodity data uploading and order handling. In this scenario, the vendor is required to register one VIP account on the VOP and fulfill its identity authenication. After vendor's identity authentication is completed, the vendor can authorize ISV software to obtain its order data and commodity data via the authority page.
Once finishing identity authenication, the vendor's information will be bond to one VIP account completely. In addition, the ISV can only obtain the vendor's order information and commodity data via the vendor's authority. It can ensure security of vendor's information.
Note: The VIP's vendor will be provided with one unique vendor ID (vendor_id) as well as account and passward of VIP Vendor Management Platform at the first business cooperation with VIP. If the vendor is not clear about the ID, it can check the vendor management platform via http://scs.vis.vip.com/vendor/register.
Our support staff will authenticate identity information and complete review via the background. If you need any help, please contact the support staff via QQ:121332922 or 3084559687
After authentication is completed, the vendor can authorize ISV software. With authorization completed, the vendor can use ISV software securely.